Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Three Minutes.

I created three short videos, and they all stemmed from one original clip:

This is the first video that I shot, and I ended up liking it a lot more than I initially anticipated. It shows this subtle relationship between the water cup and the butter and the space surrounding the objects. From here I knew that to create my other two videos the subject matter would have to thematically relate through subject relationships and their interaction with their environment.

So, the second video: "Buttercup" is an explanation of the same relationship established through "Table Top Dances" however this video takes a different approach to the relationship. It does this by the addition of footage from the site of National Geographic. The footage focus's on a snake fight which ends in one snake eating another snake. So comparing the butter's and water cup's relationship with that of the two snakes allows the video to send a different message. The sound in this video is a clip from the aria "La Vergine Degl'Angeli" from Verdi's opera "La forza del destino" I only used about 15 seconds of sound for the entire clip and looped different sections as well as altered them.

My third and final video, which was created completely from clips that I had harvested from, shows yet a different relationship. I harvested a video clip from National Geographic of an octopus eating a shark, and a clip of a girl eating a hamburger. This is to show a dual relationship between the eater and the eaten and then the two subjects that are similar (the eaters, and the eaten). The sound for this video comes from the clip of the girl eating, which is on a loop of her biting into food, so the constant sound of chewing is apparent.

These three videos are all connected through visual and thematic content, plus I think they reflect a style of my own.


  1. I like the interesting parallels you made between rather different subjects in your series of videos. The snake fight juxtaposed against the water and butter is interesting, and it makes you think about the relationship between those objects in a different light. Instead of being static, unmoving objects with no life of their own, they almost take on some sort of personality and life. It's neat that you could achieve that through careful editing of the clips.

  2. The clip that you presented in our rough cut session was really visually visually pleasing. I liked the simple and organic quality you presented with your one unedited minute of video. Your presentation should be very interesting, I'm interested to hear a more in depth conversation about your choice of juxtaposed clips.

  3. The visualization of consumption be it the camera consuming the tablescape, the snake consuming the snake or the girl consuming the burger, we see that our visual culture is full of images of this sort. That our existence is consumption.
